Empress Wu, only female ruler of the Tang dynasty and former concubine to Emperor Li Zhi before he named her his wife, replacing his former wife Wang , Empress Wu took power after Li Zhi was left paralyzed and half blind by a stroke. Empress Wu was a ruler who expanded land and improved trading during the Tang Dynasty. She ruled until she died and passed her power on to her son Li Xian. Empress Wu had a daughter before her reign as empress. Wang was accused of strangling Empress Wu's newborn daughter and had her arms and legs torn off and her remains thrown into a wine vat. Empress Wu was thought of as one of the Tang Dynasty's best rulers, but that statement may have changed because of the information we received early this morning.
We were given information stating that Empress Wu's accusation on Wang was false. Wang did not murder Empress Wu's daughter. Empress Wu, in order to get rid of Wang , suffocated her own newborn daughter and framed Wang for the crime. Empress Wu had the arms and legs of Wang and Li Zhi's favorite concubine, Xiao, amputated and thrown into a wine vat simply because she did not like them. At the time, the imperial family was given anything they wanted. If they wanted grapes, they were given grapes. If they wanted peoples arms and legs torn off, then peoples arms and legs came right off. When Empress Wu said that Wang killed her daughter and that she wanted her tortured and killed, that was exactly what she got. empress Wu framed a woman she did not like and got away with murdering her own daughter.